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Project Associates


Students' projects

At Friedrich Schiller University, the cellphone app for monitoring atmospherical conditions by the observations of stars was developed. The development started with a prototype for feasibility tests in 2018/19 by a student of physics. It was developed further by two software development projects by (in total) five students of physics and computer science.  

Supported by
Wort-Bildmarke Universität Jena.jpg
Michael Stifel Zentrum - Logo.png

The content of this website is provided under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. 

You are invited to use it for education and research given that you cite the authors (Korobili & Hoffmann Feb. 2023)

© 2023 by GEOANATOMY (Susanne M Hoffmann, Giouli Korobili). Proudly created with

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