Climate, Weather and Health
History meets Science
Meteorology Beyond Borders
Project Publications
Co-edited Volume
(with T. Tieleman) Meteorology Beyond Borders. Ancient and Modern Reflections, in preparation for Brill, Euhormos series. -
GEOANATOMY. The Body as a Model in Greco-Roman Conceptions of the Earth and the Environment, in preparation for Brill, Euhormos series.
Astronomical Transients
Co-edited Volume
(with G. Wolfschmidt) Applied and Computational Historical Astronomomy, Nuncius Hamburgensis, 55, 2021. -
Co-edited Volume
(with G. Wolfschmidt) Astronomy in Culture - Cultures of Astronomy, Nuncius Hamburgensis, 57, 2022.
(forthcoming) “Nature as a Good Housekeeper: Aristotle and Lucretius on the appropriate places (oikeioi topoi) of living things” in I. Kupreeva – T. Tieleman (eds.) Ancient Life Sciences, ‘Philosophia Antiqua’, Brill.
(forthcoming) “Our ‘stony’ ties of kinship: Natural-Philosophical Accounts of Stones and the Question of their Vitality in Graeco-Roman Antiquity” Rhetoric and Science 2, 2023.
(forthcoming) “The Power of the Example. When Aristotle Read the Hippocratic On the Nature of the Child…” in H. Bartoš – T. Popa (eds.) Aristotle Reads Hippocrates.
(forthcoming) “Aristotle on Synchronicity: A (new) tool to control” in S. Connell (ed.) Philosophical Essays on Aristotle’s Historia Animalium.
Astronomical Transients
Hoffmann S.M. and Vogt N: "A Search for recurrent novae among Far Eastern guest stars", New Astronomy, Vol 92, 2022, 101722.
Hoffmann S.M. and Vogt N.: "Review on the search for historical novae and several byproducts", in Wolfschmidt and Hoffmann [Hrsg.]: Applied and Computational History of Astronomy – Proceedings of the Splinter Meeting in the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sept. 25, 2020. Nuncius Hamburgensis – Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Vol. 55, tredition, Hamburg 2021, 238-294.
Hoffmann S.M., Vogt, N.: "A search for the modern counterparts of the Far Eastern guest stars 369 CE, 386 CE and 393 CE", MNRAS, 197, 2, 1419–1433.
Protte, Ph and Hoffmann S.M, "Accuracy of magnitudes in pre-telescopic star catalogues", AN 2020.
Hoffmann, S.; Vogt, N.: "Counterparts of Far Eastern Guest Stars: Novae, supernovae, or something else?", MNRAS, 2020, 496, 4488–4506.
Hoffmann, S., Vogt, N.: "Cataclysmic variables as possible counterparts of ancient Far Eastern guest stars", MNRAS, 2020, 494, 5775-5786.
Hoffmann, S., Vogt, N., Protte, Ph.: "A new approach to generate a catalogue of potential historical novae", AN, 2020, 341, 79-98.
Hoffmann, S.: "What information can we derive from historical Far Eastern guest stars for modern research on novae and cataclysmic variables?" MNRAS, 2019, 490, 419H
Vogt, N., Hoffmann, S., Tappert, C.: "On the possibilities of classical nova identifications among historical Far Eastern guest star observations", Astronomical Notes, 2019, 340, 752