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Project  Publications


  • Co-edited Volume
    (with T. Tieleman) Meteorology Beyond Borders. Ancient and Modern Reflections, in preparation for Brill, Euhormos series.

  • Monograph
    GEOANATOMY. The Body as a Model in Greco-Roman Conceptions of the Earth and the Environment, in preparation for Brill, Euhormos series.

Astronomical Transients

  • Co-edited Volume
    (with G. Wolfschmidt) Applied and Computational Historical Astronomomy, Nuncius Hamburgensis, 55, 2021.

  • Co-edited Volume
    (with G. Wolfschmidt) Astronomy in Culture - Cultures of Astronomy, Nuncius Hamburgensis, 57, 2022.


  • (forthcoming) “Nature as a Good Housekeeper: Aristotle and Lucretius on the appropriate places (oikeioi topoi) of living things” in I. Kupreeva – T. Tieleman (eds.) Ancient Life Sciences, ‘Philosophia Antiqua’, Brill.

  • (forthcoming) “Our ‘stony’ ties of kinship: Natural-Philosophical Accounts of Stones and the Question of their Vitality in Graeco-Roman Antiquity” Rhetoric and Science 2, 2023.

  • (forthcoming) “The Power of the Example. When Aristotle Read the Hippocratic On the Nature of the Child…” in H. Bartoš – T. Popa (eds.) Aristotle Reads Hippocrates.

  • (forthcoming) “Aristotle on Synchronicity: A (new) tool to control” in S. Connell (ed.) Philosophical Essays on Aristotle’s Historia Animalium.

Astronomical Transients

  • Hoffmann S.M. and Vogt N: "A Search for recurrent novae among Far Eastern guest stars", New Astronomy, Vol 92, 2022, 101722.

  • Hoffmann S.M. and Vogt N.: "Review on the search for historical novae and several byproducts", in Wolfschmidt and Hoffmann [Hrsg.]: Applied and Computational History of Astronomy – Proceedings of the Splinter Meeting in the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sept. 25, 2020. Nuncius Hamburgensis – Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Vol. 55, tredition, Hamburg 2021, 238-294.

  • Hoffmann S.M., Vogt, N.: "A search for the modern counterparts of the Far Eastern guest stars 369 CE, 386 CE and 393 CE", MNRAS, 197, 2, 1419–1433.

  • Protte, Ph and Hoffmann S.M, "Accuracy of  magnitudes in pre-telescopic star catalogues", AN 2020.

  • Hoffmann, S.; Vogt, N.: "Counterparts of Far Eastern Guest Stars: Novae, supernovae, or something else?", MNRAS, 2020, 496, 4488–4506.

  • Hoffmann, S., Vogt, N.: "Cataclysmic variables as possible counterparts of ancient Far Eastern guest stars", MNRAS, 2020, 494, 5775-5786.

  • Hoffmann, S., Vogt, N., Protte, Ph.: "A new approach to generate a catalogue of potential historical novae", AN, 2020, 341, 79-98.

  • Hoffmann, S.: "What information can we derive from historical Far Eastern guest stars for modern research on novae and cataclysmic variables?" MNRAS, 2019, 490, 419H

  • Vogt, N., Hoffmann, S., Tappert, C.: "On the possibilities of classical nova identifications among historical Far Eastern guest star observations", Astronomical Notes, 2019, 340, 752

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You are invited to use it for education and research given that you cite the authors (Korobili & Hoffmann Feb. 2023)

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