Climate, Weather and Health
History meets Science
Meteorology Beyond Borders

Giouli Korobili
Giouli Korobili is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Utrecht and an external collaborator of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. She has contributed to a number of collective volumes on Aristotle, ancient medicine and Byzantine Aristotelian commentators. She has authored Aristotle. On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, on Respiration: Introduction, Translation and Interpretation (Springer 2022) and co-authored Praxagoras of Cos: Fragments and Testimonia (with K. Stefou, in modern Greek, forthcoming by Crete University Press).

Susanne M Hoffmann
Susanne M Hoffmann is an astronomer with background in physics and history of science. She loves to explore and understand more and more of the universe - but she also loves to talk publicly about her beloved profession(s). She aims to teach people to love and explore nature (nature of humanity/ies as well as nature of physics). This led to an additional professional training in didactics/ education.
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,
Michael Stifel Center for Data-Driven and Simulation Science,