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Climate, Weather and Health
History meets Science
Meteorology Beyond Borders
see also:
Aristotle METE
I 5.342a35
Lucretius DRN
Seneca NQ
References for Greek and Latin
Modern Description
written by Susanne M Hoffmann
The appearance of a star can be meant in various ways: typically, it refers to observations in twilight but there are appearances in the evening and appearances in the morning.
The photograph on the left shows Venus short above the mountain in the morning twilight. The Pleiades are a bit higher where the sky is slightly darker which makes it sufficient to recognize the fainter stars. However, both are really difficult to see and this is because of their appearance in the (bright) twilight. The form of appearance is called the "heliacal rising" if it happens for the first time in the year.
Further Remarks
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