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see also:

aura,-ae, wind

etesian wind

Aristotle METE


DEF: as continuous after the solstices II 5.362a12, a19, a23, a30, cf. 361b35; II 5.361b24;
• caused by II 5.363a15
• direction of II 6.365a6
• weak (ornithiai) II 5.362a23

Lucretius DRN


Seneca NQ


DEF: opposite to the Nile’s mouth VI 716;
• and clouds VI 730 (nubilum-i)

• and breeze [aura,ae] V 11.1.1
• people V 10.1.5, 10.2.2
• and the Nile IVa 2.23.2
• moderate IVa 2.25.3
• sailors / Lucius Iunius Gallio Annaeanus V 11.1.4
• and clouds V 18.2.5 (nubes-is)
• as protection V 10.4.5-6
• direction of IVa 2.23.6
• [dox.] Thales IVa 2.22.1;Eythemenes of Massilia IVa 2.22.7
• impetus of V 10.3.6

References for Greek and Latin

Cronin, P. (2010) Greek Popular Meteorology From Antiquity to the Present. The Folk-Interpretation of Celestial Signs, Lewiston / Queenston / Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 14-15.

Prezerakos, N. (2022) “Etesian winds outbursts over the Greek Seas and their linkage with larger-scale atmospheric circulation features: Two real time data case studies” Atmósfera 35.1 (

during summer, the predominant wind direction in the Aegean Sea allows for save sailing
Modern Description

written by Susanne M Hoffmann

The Etesian winds blow from north to south in the Aegean Sea in summer. They are a secondary effect of the northern position of the intertropical convergence zone because they emerge in the geographical area where the Asian monsoon Low and the Azores High meet. As the two areas rotate in opposite directions, there are strong winds from north to south in the intersection. 

Further Remarks

Known today as meltemia, the etesian winds are the northerly or north-easterly winds that yearly blow across eastern Greece and the Aegean from May to October, for approximately forty days, being at their strongest during July and August. (Cronin, 2010, p. 14)

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