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guest star


alongside Nandou and Tianyue


old spelling:


colour etc.:





supernova candidates

nova candidates

no SNR/ PSR candidate

V4722 Sgr, V5759 Sgr, V4641 Sgr, NSV 10156, IGR J18173-2509

         comet, microlensing or

TDE of V4641 Sgr

most likely:

3 nova candidates, 2 weak recurrent candidates, four more faint CVs found

Reference (see publications)

Paper 0: Protte and Hoffmann, AN, 2020 

Paper 1: Vogt, Hoffmann, Tappert, AN, 2019 

Paper 2: Hoffmann, MNRAS 2019 

Paper 3: Hoffmann, Vogt, Protte, AN, 2020 

Paper 4: Hoffmann and Vogt, MNRAS, 2020

Paper 5: Hoffmann and Vogt, MNRAS, 2020

Paper 6: Hoffmann and Vogt, MNRAS, 2020

Book: Wolfschmidt and Hoffmann (eds.) 2021

Paper 7: Hoffmann, Vogt, New Astronomy, 2022


Paper 7


Book, Paper 7

Map of the search field

no SNR/ PSR candidate

red ovals: all SNRs in field, 
blue asterixes: pulsars in the field

3 nova candidates, 2 weak recurrent candidates, four more faint CVs found
3 nova candidates, 2 weak recurrent candidates, four more faint CVs found

diamonds: all CVs in field, 
filled diamonds: bright enough

cyan ovals: all PNe in field, 
diamonds: symbiotic & CVs

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